NTPEP Testing – National Transportation Product Evaluation Program



NTPEP (National Transportation Product Evaluation Program) is a committee of AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials) that originated in 1994.




The key objective of NTPEP is to provide quality testing and evaluation of products, materials, and devices that are commonly used by the AASHTO Member Departments of Transportation.


NTPEPTesting by NTPEP is optional and some manufacturers decline having their equipment tested.

SOLARTECH had both our SILENT MESSENGER Changeable Message Sign and SILENT SENTINEL Arrow Board tested. The evaluation consisted of day and night legibility, day and night angularity, luminance, and run time (total number of days the unit can run without recharging) testing. Each piece of SOLARTECH equipment evaluated returned above average results and proved that our equipment is indeed some of the best in the industry.


SOLARTECH feels that the NTPEP testing is extremely beneficial as the test results give us a great idea of how our machines stand up next to the competition and allow us to continually refine and develop our products.