Customer Satisfaction Ratings Continue to Climb



Solar Technology continuously checks to see what you think, by looking at the Customer Satisfaction Survey responses for parts and repair customers. Then we compare them to previous years results. We’re mighty happy with the 2013 numbers.

In 2013, we increased the combined “Excellent” and “Very Good” ratings to above 95% in all categories, as opposed to 2012’s low to mid-90’s ratings.
2013 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

Here’s how 2013 rated:

2013 Customer Satisfaction Survey RatesAs an ISO certified manufacturer, we are dedicated to continuous improvement in all areas, but Customer Satisfaction is one of the harder areas to evaluate. We send 20-40 surveys per month; one to everyone who calls in a part order or service request. We tabulate the results and use the data to refine our customers’ service procedures.

Thank you for your feedback, and for your on-going help in our continuous improvement process. Call us… We’re happy to help anytime!