Yes! You Can Control Your Message Boards Using Remote Control



Control your message boards using remote control

Our signs are as easy – and as fun – to control as the remote control car you had in 5th grade.

With our FREE built-in communication package – including an integrated modem and GPS – you can access your signs and change messages right form your office PC, or your laptop, or your smartphone. Think of it – you can even login and access your signs from home. No more racing to the workzone at 6 am to change a message!

All these extra features at no extra price!

We’ve designed our products to include the features you need and want – like GPS location tracking, maintenance status reports and notifications by email if the equipment is moved. And, by using our Command Center software, you get 5 years of FREE cellular service, enabling you to talk to your signs anytime, from anywhere. In essence, its Fleet Management – built-in at no charge.

Yes, Remote Access is even available on your older SolarTech equipment.

If your message boards were purchased before May 2014, you can ADD the communications package by buying SolarComm. You’ll get GPS tracking and service notifications and have ALL your equipment accessible remotely. Own even older equipment? Upgrades are available…  ask a SolarTech sales rep for details.

Channel the 10-year-old in you. Have some fun. Control your signs anywhere, anytime.