BEFORE YOU BUY: When to choose Tilt and Rotate Solar Arrays, and when to choose Fixed Arrays



When configuring your solar-powered Message or Arrow Boards, consider carefully if adding fixed solar arrays is better, or if tilt and rotate solar panels might be a better choice.

In general, we’re finding that tilt and rotate solar arrays are preferable in northern latitudes. We’ve found that a 160 watt tilt and rotate array (when tilted to the south) actually preforms better than a 240 watt flat array.

Tilt and Array Solar Panels

Here are conditions that affect how efficiently your board will hold a charge:

  • Temperature – cold weather can significantly reduce a battery’s capacity
  • Time of Year – In winter, the angle of the sun is lower, so sunlight strikes fixed solar arrays at a more oblique angle and for fewer hours
  • Amount of Daylight – shorter minutes of sunshine mean less time to charge batteries
  • Winter Weather – snow accumulation of the panels will block solar energy collection

Our southern customers are blessed with more moderate temperatures, a higher sun angle and fewer overcast days, making fixed solar panels a logical choice. For customers in the rest of the country, consider using tilt and rotate panels for higher efficiency.

Like all good things, proper use is essential. Tilt the arrays to the south for the best result, and clear ice and snow promptly.

Have questions? Our sales staff is just a phone call away. Ask what’s the best choice for you.