

Here’s s preventative measure that allows you to react before a Message Board loses power… have Command Center notify you when battery levels fall below 12 volts.

Click on a piece of equipment, then click on the NOTIFICATIONS button, and chose to receive alerts on battery level. This will give you time to determine the cause and solve the issue.

You can customize the notifications by choosing a single piece of equipment or all the equipment on one project or in a branch office, or your entire fleet.

We have a customer covering a large geographic area who assign their best techs to equipment in specific areas. When a alert is received, the tech can respond quickly before the issue becomes critical.

Check out the other options for Notifications. By knowing your equipment’s location, the displayed message and power levels, managing your fleet will be easy. Learn more by using the Command Center Tutorial or User Guide.

Command Center – designed to watch your equipment and pre4vent problems – putting you, well, in Command.

Its why we’re a better partner in your success… by making a Better Board