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Command Center Tips and Hints


Are you using Command Center to its full potential?

Most of our customers check Command Center daily, reports Gary Laudenslager, Senior Service Tech, and do a quick scan for any red alerts. Here are some of the other cool things you can do with Command Center, SolarTech’s free control software:

Segment your fleet by job, type of sign, and/or location

Allow access to equipment on one job without giving access to your entire fleet

Share messages between units

Maintain a log of what messages were running and when

Broadcast a message (Amber Alerts) to multiple units simultaneously

Create your own graphics (maybe your logo?) or animations

…and all these useful functions can be done from your desk. Command Center is free, and can save you time and effort when used to its full potential.

If you have any questions about Command Center, check out this page or call the SolarTech Support Team at 610-391-8602.