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Reminder: Use the Built-In Security Protection on Message Boards


Remember the Zombies Attacks in 2009? The hackers have once again attacked message boards in Texas and this time posted political messages.

SolarTech added additional layers of security since 2009, and would like to remind you of the multiple ways you can prevent this from happening to you and your driving public:

  1. Lock your Battery Box. In 2014, SolarTech added a steel cage over the batteries to protect from theft, but locking the box is the best way to prevent access to the controller.
  2. Use Passwords. As long as you assign and use passwords, it will be difficult for someone with devious intent to gain access to your board even if they reach the controller.
  3. Use Email Notifications. Every SolarTech message board comes with free remote access. You can set up notifications to email you any time a message is changed. With remote access, you can quickly regain control and change an unwanted message. Plus you’ll have a record of exactly when the offense occurred for the police to proceed with prosecution.

These rare hacks make good news stories, so avoid the publicity by using all three layers of protection.