Let’s Talk about Adjusting the Message Board Rotation Lock



Tyler Tullo adjusts the rotation angle using the tension bar.

The Rotation Lock is what keeps the Message board from pivoting on the mast. Once you’ve set your message board in place and lowered the jacks, you can rotate the board to orient towards traffic (use the sighting tube for accuracy!). After finding the perfect angle, use the long bar under the board to lock the board in place.

The Rotation Lock is an ingenious breaking mechanism that secures the board at your chosen angle (thank you, in-house Engineering Department). If the is not holding as you think it should, there is a simple series of tests to determine whether adjustments are needed. The Visio-Service Sign Rotation Lock Guide will give you all the info you need.

For more advice, or if you have any questions, contact our Service Team at 610-391-8600. They’re here to help you get the most out of your SolarTech products.